On the evening of June 11th, 2010, I sat munching on a three-course dinner at a four-star NYC restaurant with my mother, father, and sister. The food was wonderful and easy to swallow; it was just too bad the same couldn't be said for the mood or the conversation. My family was, to put it mildly, a little bit distressed. A couple of days earlier we had received some disheartening news from one my doctors, and I was fairly certain that we were in for at least another month or two on the waiting list for new lungs. Another month or two of keeping my life "on hold", of living with ravaged lungs, of seeing the stress and worry in my loved ones' eyes. Another month of two of gasping for breath. Another month or two of hoping for a miracle...and of praying for survival.
Um, yeah, did I mention we were just a teeny, tiny bit upset that night?
Of course, many of you know the rest of the story from that evening. You know the part about how, just as our check arrived, my phone started to ring and the tell-tale number flashed up on my caller ID. You might have heard about how we rushed out the door of the restaurant, my dad sprinting for the nearest cab, my mom already on her phone to some of our nearest and dearest. And you may even remember the pictures of all 4 of us sitting in the admissions waiting room at my hospital, proudly displaying our "new lungs" t-shirts and looking pretty stunned to be there. We were jaded from too many dry runs and near misses, and we were none of us exactly sure what to expect that evening. That we would end up "meeting" my beloved Donor Bob in the early hours of June 12th, 2010, was almost more than we would have ever dared hope.
Yes, many of you know the story because we were blessed to have so many wonderful followers out there from so many different walks of life. Then again, you might not know quite as much about that evening as you think you do. Because the part of the story that you might not have heard is how much I cried.
As soon as I got the call I ran down to the bathroom of the restaurant and locked myself inside, where I quickly turned on the sink to make some background noise. I knew my family was waiting for me outside the door, so I made it quick. I looked straight in the mirror, saw the terrified, overwhelmed, exhausted face staring back at me -- and burst into tears. Not because of what I saw there, but because I knew I would likely never see that face again. I cried, in other words, not for the miraculous blessing I was about to receive, but for the wonderful thing (and yes, my lungs were wonderful, in their own way) that I was giving up. I cried for the part of myself that I was losing.
My father recently had a discussion with a wonderful CF doctor that my family has known and trusted for years and years and years. (Note the number there: I put in three because I'm almost 30 -- yikes! Who'd have thunk that, right?) This highly trained physician and researcher mentioned to dad that, at least in his experience, most transplant patients have an emotional element to their surgery that isn't really addressed or spoken of, or at least not super often. He compared it to the PTSD often seen in people returning from conflict or war -- basically the sense of having been changed by the experience, and the crises of faith or identity that can sometimes go hand-in-hand with an important and life-altering event. I'm sure there's a more technical description for all of that (and PS, if you have one, please share it!), but for my purposes here it's enough to know that it can simply be hard, on a lot of levels.
My first conscious thought after surgery was that this was going to be difficult. It wasn't so much the physical pain that was a problem -- I expected all of that, and more -- but the strange feeling I had of suddenly being out of control. As silly as it sounds, I had an immediate sense of "missing" my old lungs. They were little brats by the end there, sure, but they were brats that I knew how to discipline, knew how to coddle, and knew how to live with. All the new medicines and machines and doctors and surroundings confused me, even after I came out of my ICU madness (and for the record I was pretty bad in there -- they really shouldn't let people with law degrees get major surgery). For a long time after the operation I had a very unsettling tendency to burst into tears at random moments. And sure, probably a fair amount of that emotion was drug-induced or pain-related, of course, but I think there was something more to it as well. Weird as it is to admit, and certainly to type and record here for the duration of this blog, I think I felt a little, well...I guess the word would be lost. People around me were celebrating, they were grateful, they were "done." They wanted me to talk about how much better I felt, and how happy I was, and in a way all of that was completely reasonable. But there was also another part of it for me. I felt like maybe there was going to be more to this whole transplant thing than simply learning how to breathe again and then just getting on with it. Or, to put it another way, I suddenly realized that it wasn't going to be all "hey, cool, new lungs, new breath, new life. Bye, mom, and have fun back in Colorado! Thanks for the prayers, everyone. See you all when I win my Nobel Prize!"
Um, yeah, not so much.
Don't get me wrong, guys. I don't want anyone to misread my message here as a major Debbie Downer moment. I am thrilled and grateful beyond my wildest dreams to have been given this chance at life with new lungs. I am firmly and completely in support of transplant, for those who think it's the right choice for them, and I am 100% certain that I made the right choice. I love and respect my doctors, trust that I am getting awesome follow-up care, and count my lucky stars daily for all the support I received (and continue to receive) from all of the beautiful people in my life. To say I am blessed would be like calling the Empire State Building "tall" -- it just doesn't do the real thing justice.
That said, I was really intrigued when my dad told me about this doctor's perspective. He knows what he's doing, and he's worked with a lot of different CF patients of various ages. His observations about stress, trauma, and transplant certainly won't hold true in every case, of course, but I think I'm ready to admit that they really did ring true for me. Despite all the wonder and the beauty and the blessings and the crazy awesome stressful happy unfuckingbelievable madness of my story, I think it's fair to say that there is a little something of me that I still think of as missing. It's maybe just something that I am learning, however slowly and however different it may end up looking, to rebuild.
And so tomorrow night my wonderful Godmother is taking me out for a small celebration, to ring in 14 months of this new(ish) existence in style and to toast the start of new things. Although I am still on IV antibiotics and still struggling with certain aspects of this process, I am also starting -- again, however slowly -- to face my own reflection, even if it looks just a tiny bit different now. And as part of that moment, we will go back to the restaurant where it all started. Or maybe where it all ended, depending on your perspective. Because I want to go back there. Because I need to find my way back, no matter how corny or dramatic it sounds. Because I am ready to move forward -- whatever that means. And because I am always, eternally and forever, beyond grateful.
For all of it.